220206 주일예배 누룩을 주의하라 마태복음 16:5-12 5 [The Yeast of the
Pharisees and Sadducees] When they went across the lake, the disciples forgot
to take bread. 6 예수께서 이르시되 삼가 바리새인과 사두개인들의 누룩을
주의하라 하시니 6 "Be careful,"
Jesus said to them. "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees
and Sadducees." 7 제자들이 서로 논의하여 이르되 우리가 떡을 가져오지
아니하였도다 하거늘 7 They discussed this among
themselves and said, "It is because we didn't bring any bread." 8 예수께서 아시고 이르시되 믿음이 작은 자들아 어찌
떡이 없으므로 서로 논의하느냐 8 Aware of their
discussion, Jesus asked, "You of little faith, why are you talking among
yourselves about having no bread? 9 너희가 아직도 깨닫지 못하느냐 떡 다섯 개로 오천
명을 먹이고 주운 것이 몇 바구니며 9 Do you still not
understand? Don't you remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how
many basketfuls you gathered? 10 떡 일곱 개로 사천 명을 먹이고 주운 것이 몇 광주리였는지를
기억하지 못하느냐 10 Or the seven loaves for
the four thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered? 11 어찌 내 말한 것이 떡에 관함이 아닌 줄을 깨닫지
못하느냐 오직 바리새인과 사두개인들의 누룩을 주의하라 하시니 11 How is it you don't
understand that I was not talking to you about bread? But be on your guard
against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees."
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