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Everyone can read and view the posts of our site.
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until you get authorization from the administrator, you can only read and view the contents.
In order to take process for 'Regular Member',
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For a healthy and pleasant website operation, please understand this inconvenient process.
Thank you.
Comment 0
No. | Subject | Author | Date | Views |
» | 광고를 예방하기위한 글쓰기 권한 안내 입니다. | admin | 2018.09.06 | 892 |
5 | Jun/2014 담임목사 취임 | actskim | 2018.09.05 | 211 |
4 | Apr/2014 부활절 | actskim | 2018.09.05 | 194 |
3 | Feb/2014 찬양팀과 반주로 섬기셨던 분들 | actskim | 2018.09.05 | 208 |
2 | Jan/2014 어느 주일 | actskim | 2018.09.05 | 199 |
1 | 교회역사 자료 입니다. | actskim | 2018.09.05 | 166 |